Design of Craft Marketplace

We came up with the way of attracting craftsmen and customers to a new service with the help of design

A marketplace for selling handmade stuff that allows you to buy handicraft things as in an ordinary online store.


Attract to the site as many craftsmen as possible and encourage them to place as many stuff as achievable.

Work out how to increase customers’ confidence of the marketplace and make them stick to the site.

The client had the first prototype of the site and the mobile app, but we figured out the ways to improve them.

In order to confirm a hypothesis, we made the MVP and a bit of branding within a month. We gave up the payment implementation, bulk loads and some other functions for the sake of a quick start.

That old boy Eric Ries would be proud of us, indeed 🎖.


To make it be a success

  • We put ourselves in craftsmen’s shoes and work out solutions for the stuff selling.
  • We look at the site design through a customer’s eyes so that a choice&purchase process will be easier.
  • We add a bit of branding that really gives charm.

We design the project for craftsmen

Work step by step. Firstly, we search for ways of attracting craftsmen and encouraging them to sell their goods. In this case, the site will appeal to customers.

На главной странице бурлит жизнь: пользователя встречают новинки, поводы и популярные товары, в отличие от бесконечного потока работ на похожих сайтах.

Такой подход завлекает покупателей на сайт, задерживает их на более долгий срок и помогает ремесленникам продавать.


The home page bursts with life: the latest products and best-selling stuff greet customers unlike lots of uninteresting stuff at similar sites.

Such an approach contributes to customers’ visiting of the site, keeps them there and helps craftsmen to sell.

In order to increase sales we worked out different view forms for sections, goals and target customers.

System of Headings

The categories are chosen according to customers’ preferences and stuff popularity. We managed to predict 5 out of 8 categories that we set in the MVP as a hypothesis. Every product will take its place during potential enlargement and appearance of new categories.

5 out of 8 categories appeared in the actual catalogue:



For kids


Dolls and Toys




Craftsmen can suggest categories themselves and the site administrators will add these categories after consideration. 

As regards empty categories: we called for anyone who makes such products but has not registered at the marketplace yet.

Store registration

To place your products at Crafty is as easy as a pie. We provide craftsmen with necessary advice. It helps them not to dive into the service analyses but to focus on their work.


We implement solutions for customers

Payments and guarantees for a customer are the main difficulties in such projects. On the one hand, it is an ordinary store with steady workflow and good service for customers. On the other hand, the marketplace builds relations among individuals.

Store cards

The card with the logo is usually responsible for the store presentation. This variant does not indicate the focus of the store. That is why we added some more items for visual aids and credibility factors:

  • feedbacks,
  • rates,
  • sale data,
  • information about how long a shop works.

Making a complaint became very easy. Be sure that in this way the sellers will behave honest.

Order information

All the handicraft stuff undergoes moderation. Consequently, a customer can be sure of stuff quality and do nothing but look forward it.


We made centralized communication. It means that customers should not swing from stores to goods. All information, for example Order History, can be found very easily.


Branding. Microbranding

We worked on the brand besides the interface in order to make the project come to life.

In the logo we reflect the handmade theme and focus on the target audience of the site. 70% of the audience is women.

390 craftsmen
2660 craft goods

The well-designed interface and bright identity helped Crafty to stand out of similar Belarussian marketplaces. We gave the finished project to the client. The site is kept by the client’s side.

Link to the project
  • September 23, 2019
Let’s talk about business

Your request will immediately go to the sales department. One of the managers will answer you in order to discuss details. It takes up to half an hour during working hours

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