NuCash mobile fintech app interface

Convenient and easy financial management

We study the intricacies of the Indian banking system, the habits and needs of Indian students — and let’s get started 🚀

What you can do in the app

* The case shows only a small part of the functionality that has been designed. Some of the features aren’t implemented yet, so we can’t show you everything at this stage. But that’s just the beginning! Stay in touch 🖖

Monitor expenses

Say goodbye to boring accounting tokens! After each transaction, NuCash recognises which category the expense falls into — transport, food, entertainment. Now you can keep track of your expenses without wasting time manually filling out all sorts of forms.

If the app makes a mistake with the category (for example, a taxi fare was classified as ’entertainment’ instead of ’transport’), the payment category is changed manually. The smart algorithm of the interface remembers everything and makes no more mistakes.

Split bill

The common situation: you and your friends have eaten at a restaurant and paid in one payment: either because it was faster, or because the primitive law of ‘one table, one bill’ still rules in many restaurants. In any case, now we need to get money back from everyone. We do this in NuCash.

When you collect money, a chat is created in the app interface: a photo of the receipt, a list of participants, the total amount collected — everything is there!

Essentially, a user who uses the split bill feature in the app is like a piggy bank. This person collects all the money from himself/herself, and the app distributes it to the others: those who paid more get their money back, and the rest is collected.

The debt is paid off — the chat is closed.

Request money

We need money! We write the amount we want to borrow or that is owed to us (we attach a photo of the receipt as proof) — and send the request. In the chat, which is automatically created, we get a message: the money has arrived!

Design system for convenient and systematic project support

We think about the convenience of developers and future designers of the project — we put all the elements into a design system. Beautiful and systematic!

If you want an interface built with the same care for the user and the business, leave a request in the form below.

We’ll be happy to chat💌

Let’s talk about business

Your request will immediately go to the sales department. One of the managers will answer you in order to discuss details. It takes up to half an hour during working hours

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