We have shown how a proper design system saves thousands of dollars and months of time.

More than 1,000,000 clients all over Azerbaijan

The absence of an old interface that needs to be updated is a gift for both sides. The designer gets freedom, and the Bank gets a design system with a set of components that don't conflict with anything.
We start with designing the most loaded product — making an online Bank for legal entities. It should take on part of the functions of a personal assistant to the Director, financial Director and accountant.
Building the UI as a good Manager's report, not a data warehouse

We take the load off the user when working with documents

Documents are sorted by type and status. Color tells you which ones need to draw attention to themselves. It takes a couple of seconds for the user to fully assess the situation.
We work on individual elements and assemble the interface design system.

Bank for personals: use a ready-made database of components
Internet banking for individuals is built according to the same rules: we bring up the most important thing for the user. In the dashboard, these are cards; in payments, they are selected operations. To top up your phone balance immediately after logging in, for example, you need to make exactly 2 clicks:
switching to Payments and transfers,
select an operation.
Show statistics using graphs. Plus, there is one reason to contact the Bank more often, rather than individual expense control applications.

Then you just need to assemble It from the ready-made "constructor" and finish the missing elements. Remember this when you think about whether you need a design system.
Design system
This is a set of graphic elements and rules for their use. It is developed individually to solve business problems of the project, making its visual and functional parts universal. It is especially important for complex and constantly developing products. It greatly simplifies the process of development, project development, change of contractors, and creation of additional and related services. At the same time, the design system is not a rigid structure, it can and should be refined as the company and product develop.
Two products in 2 months
The tight deadlines did not hinder the creation of two independent Internet banks due to a single set of components. Moreover, it will be much easier to implement new functionality and make changes in the future. And Yes, this approach is much cheaper and more efficient than developing individual pages.
We are still working on a mobile app.
Your request will immediately go to the sales department. One of the managers will answer you in order to discuss details. It takes up to half an hour during working hours