How government and companies lose money and people’s trust by installing terminals for show
How government and companies lose money and people’s trust by installing terminals for show
  • Articles
  • 22.08.2024
How government and companies lose money and people’s trust by installing terminals for show On the existential causes of bad interfaces
How to understand that it’s time to update your brand and what exactly needs to be changed
How to understand that it’s time to update your brand and what exactly needs to be changed
  • Articles
  • 28.06.2024
How to understand that it’s time to update your brand and what exactly needs to be changed Brighten up the red in the logo or tear it down to its foundations?
How to go beyond the rectangle and stop abusing people with poor self-service devices
How to go beyond the rectangle and stop abusing people with poor self-service devices
  • Articles
  • 14.02.2024
How to go beyond the rectangle and stop abusing people with poor self-service devices How to make an interface that won't make the user explode with anger
Stereotypes about the brand and why it should be created even if you are small and modest
Stereotypes about the brand and why it should be created even if you are small and modest
  • Articles
  • 24.01.2024
Stereotypes about the brand and why it should be created even if you are small and modest Without cases of companies with six-figure advertising budgets
The first secret of the perfect case
The first secret of the perfect case
  • Articles
  • 05.09.2023
The first secret of the perfect case Don’t confuse a case with an article
  • 880
How to manage neural networks and solve real issues, not just generate funny stuff
How to manage neural networks and solve real issues, not just generate funny stuff
  • Articles
  • 29.08.2023
How to manage neural networks and solve real issues, not just generate funny stuff Based on the example of a case
You need a designer, but not on the staff. True or not — look at checklist
You need a designer, but not on the staff. True or not — look at checklist
  • Articles
  • 02.08.2023
You need a designer, but not on the staff. True or not — look at checklist Red flags for hiring a designer on the staff
How to apply for a job in a designer way
How to apply for a job in a designer way
  • Articles
  • 07.06.2023
How to apply for a job in a designer way If a designer can't think like a designer when looking for a job, then it's not a designer at all
The brand book that won’t steal the whole budget
The brand book that won’t steal the whole budget
  • Articles
  • 05.06.2023
The brand book that won’t steal the whole budget Alas, not all brand books are white-handed.