Fivefold increased number of leads for ISP Satsol

Not magic, but an expert redesign

The goal

ISP on Solomon Islands

To increase the number of applications from the tariff plan page. To make it so that the residents of the capital will change over to the company’s new product — cheaper and faster fiber-optic Internet. To ensure that the residents of other cities and islands, to whom the product isn’t available yet, will connect the Satsol satellite Internet.

ISP on Solomon Islands

The goal

To increase the number of applications from the tariff plan page. To make it so that the residents of the capital will change over to the company’s new product — cheaper and faster fiber-optic Internet. To ensure that the residents of other cities and islands, to whom the product isn’t available yet, will connect the Satsol satellite Internet.

Immerse into the context

We study the features of the region and realize how the audience makes a decision.

Solomon Islands is a Pacific state, consisting of 992 islands. Because of the remote location, dispersal of agglomerations and terrain features, the telecommunication infrastructure in the state required enormous investments and therefore developed badly.

Until 2019, the whole Internet on Solomon Islands was satellite: really dependent on the weather, with a high level of signal delay and very expensive — on an average salary of $700, the residents paid $4000-6000 SBD a month (≈ $400-600), not considering the cost of equipment purchase and connections.

Fiber optic Internet doesn’t have these disadvantages. However, since this service has appeared on the island quite recently, not all residents understand it and because of the geographical specifics of the archipelago, it isn’t available everywhere. The price 10 times less than satellite Internet leads to distrust concerning quality, and the limited coverage area of ​​the service creates extra difficulties in making up one’s mind.

Formulate the objectives

  1. To tell the residents about the benefits of Fiber, convincing them of the quality and low cost of this type of the Internet.
  2. To explain the possibility of connection for different regions in a right way, without pushing away the audience that has access only to satellite Internet so far.

To increase the conversion of the site in the end.


Dealing with the latest tariff page

The page doesn’t correlate with the given business strategy, so we reach the goal strategically, structurally and visually.


Recovering flora

The bright colors of the Satsol branding were created while looking back at printed materials and faded in the digital environment. We bring the palette back to life and add contrast because the inhabitants of the tropics enjoy it.

Fiber — go!

Fiber is a strategic product of the company, so it’s significant to convince your customers to change from satellite Internet to fiber optics and gain the audience of competitors.

A new product draws more attention. The home page distributes the audience and shows the locomotive service.

We explain that it’s possible to connect Fiber only on one island (already on three islands as of September 2022), but we show the prospect with a dotted line and give the chance to leave an application for satellite Internet.


Make the choice easier

Satsol has 2 main products: fiber optic and satellite internet. Each of them includes a big amount of tariff plans.

Previously, a customer visited the site and 18 offers attacked him, each of them competed for attention with the other and required the solution of a mathematical problem:

What is more profitable? Well, for this you need to correlate day and night speed, the cost a month, the cost of installation, pay for unlimited access or packages concerning traffic volume, pow, pow.

The visualization of many ‘barrel’ tariff cards of data plans and a 4-step calculator-form is too difficult. It’s easier to close the page and stay with the competitor’s old clear tariff plan.

We reduce the number of options visually, not breaking the business logic and financial model of services. The customer just fills in an application on the site, and makes the final decision on the purchase with the consultant. Therefore, there’s no point in making the user fulfill a hard choice.

There’re just 4 tariff plans on the showcase now with a simple comparison system: by connection speed and traffic volume.

* By the time the case was written, daily speed limits had already been lifted


The principle of the limited offer is a simple strategy for increasing conversions.

According to the Iyengar-Lepper experiment, excessive choice reduces a person’s ability to make a decision on a purchase.


We restructure satellite tariffs in a similar way. It becomes easy to see the best options that are most suitable regarding basic parameters.


Rebuild the tariff calculator

The old assistant of tariff choice was overloaded, full of terminology, and, obviously, frightened and frustrated the audience not helped. We totally reconsider our approach.

‘I watch YouTube in the morning, I watch a movie in the evening, I almost don’t use social networks.’ We build values for ourselves choosing plus or minus — Jet 1 will suit perfect 👌

Explain the difference

Our goal isn’t to scare off the satellite Internet audience, but to explain the key differences. Its main advantages are 100% coverage and high download speed. These criteria as well as connection cost and weather resistance, are clear to users and helpful while making a decision. But such a significant key factor as Latency is a difficult topic for common people.

We do visual storytelling with video examples that explain the difference.

Fiber VS Sattelite


The duration of the signal and the speed of the response. Latency reaches the aim in several seconds on satellite Internet. Downloading a movie or waiting a bit for streaming video to buffer isn’t a problem. But signal delay becomes critical when fast response and live communication are required. It’s impossible to chat in Zoom if you have a second delay.


Make the Internet accessible to everybody!

The number of applications has increased fivefold after the redesign of the tariff page. A thoughtful landing page design functions like performance marketing: all investments are justified and bring results at once.

The number of applications has increased fivefold after the redesign of the tariff page. A thoughtful landing page design functions like performance marketing: all investments are justified and bring results at once.

Let’s talk about business

Your request will immediately go to the sales department. One of the managers will answer you in order to discuss details. It takes up to half an hour during working hours

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